It’s inside of you. I learned that a long time when my stepfather gave me a choice.

I was 17 and the rebel inside me chose the highway.

I finally had enough of the physical and emotional abuse that started when my mother married him.
The rebel felt pretty good about her decision and was protecting the scared little girl with a “Fuck you!” attitude.

Truth be told, both of us were scared.

‘Have it your way then”, he said.

‘You can take one suitcase and your school backpack. That’s it!’

Then he and my mom drove me to the train station and dropped me off in front of a payphone. Mom gave me the equivalent of fifty cents, enough to make a phone call.

They left and it started to rain…

That was a turning point in my life and for the first time, I caught a glimpse of what we as humans are capable of when faced with extreme situations.

That’s when we’re forced to tap into our RESOURCEFULNESS out of a basic survival instinct.

I am grateful for this experience because it prepared me for some of the bold moves I’ve made in my life.

It let me know that all the resources I need are already inside of me. This came in handy when making big life-changing decisions like…


When I moved to California from Austria at age 26 by myself, got married and nailed a coveted job in the Music Industry, something I had been dreaming of in my teenage bedroom.


And then again when I left my prestigious 6-figure Hollywood Movie Studio job three years ago to follow my soul’s calling of creating a business that helps others and moved to Mexico by myself.


I knew that I could absolutely do it and that it was going to be fine because I had already given myself that experience at 17.

And it was still scary AF but this time I had an amazing support team who believed in me and reminded me of what is possible when I believe in myself.

There’s nothing you cannot do when you put your mind to it.


  • Are you looking to RADICALLY change your life from the inside out?
  • Are you looking to do something that shakes up your world as you’ve known it?
  • Are you looking to make a big transition and boldly step into your next chapter creating an entirely different life?




  • Fear, doubt and worries about what if… it doesn’t work is what’s holding you back from giving it a go.
  • The people around you, the ones you trust and love the most tell you that you’re not going to be able to do it and you’re starting to believe they might be right.
  • You have no idea HOW you can pull it off, yet you know you have to do it because you’re yearning for the fulfillment to truly live your purpose.


If that is you, I’love to help.

Right now, I have one space available to journey with a courageous woman who has a big vision for her life and who is committed to boldly step into her next chapter over the course of the next 12 months.


She is willing to face her fears.

She’s curious to get to know herself and what more she’s capable of.

She’s 100% committed to doing the work and investing in herself because her dream, her vision has become such a burning desire that she can no longer ignore it.

You know who you are.
If you recognize yourself, let’s talk!

Connect with me at and let’s talk about what would need to happen to make your vision your reality over the course of the next 12 months.


Simona Ksoll is a personal mentor to entrepreneurs & creatives helping them bring their big inner vision to life. Follow her on Facebook, LinkedIn and join her private Facebook Community.

