Have you been quietly considering a shift towards a new venture, one that truly resonates with your values, provides the impact you aim to have, and the legacy you want to build? When we feel that inner pull toward a more meaningful, mission-driven direction, societal expectations, family obligations, and the status quo that we have sacrificed so much to achieve can become a hindrance to moving forward.

Opportunities to shift gears often come knocking softly at first. When we don’t heed the call, those knocks get louder. Still not listening, the Universe slams on the brakes.

In my case, I had successfully immigrated to the United States from Austria and worked my way up the ladder in the Entertainment Industry. Working hard and being determined paid off. I had a prestigious position in the international marketing division of a major Hollywood Movie Studio collaborating with influential people on global go-to-market strategies for major blockbuster feature films and hit television shows.

I was cruising through life, living the American Dream until my divorce brought everything to a screeching halt. After seven months of living in the Twilight Zone, propped up by tranquilizers to be able to function at work, my therapist on speed dial, and countless meltdowns behind my closed office doors, I finally emerged with a wide-open slate in front of me. Where to now? That was my catalyst for radical change.

There are gentler ways to do this. If you know that it is time to embark on a new venture, let these 5 considerations aid you in making your decision.


Take ownership of your mission. Look at it as a mandate that is yours to bring to fruition. Trust that the resources will be provided. Then identify what are the perceived roadblocks in your mind and how you’d have to shift your thinking and your belief system to get around them. In other words, what do you have to change on the inside to become the person who is pulling this off?


Cultivate a solution-focused mindset. Think in terms of possibilities and embrace ideas that are outside of the box. You are about to embark on a path that you haven’t walked before, therefore the conventional approaches that have served you well up until now are unlikely to get you to the next level. Price Pritchett wrote a great book about this called You² which I highly recommend.


Embrace setbacks as learning opportunities. Each stumble is a chance to refine your approach and come back stronger. In marketing, we take a test-and-learn stance and have a post-mortem after each campaign to see what worked and what didn’t work to improve the next iteration. If you can learn how to take your emotions out of the equation, failures provide a wealth of data that you can use to become masterful at your craft. They say Thomas Edison took 10,000 attempts at inventing the light bulb… Aren’t we glad, he never gave up?


Stay grounded in the present moment and keep your eyes focused only on the next step. This generates forward momentum and keeps you from taking yourself out of the game because you think about what if…20 steps down the line, something might not work out. (Hint: It hasn’t happened yet. Should the situation arise, you’d deal with it then.)


Be grateful for where you are and everything that has brought you to this moment. All the experiences and skills you have accumulated until now are the foundation upon which you are building your next chapter.

Nobody goes it alone especially when your mission is big. Assemble a close-knit support network that keeps you on track and holds you accountable. Peer groups, masterminds, coaches, or mentors who get you and what you are looking to accomplish. Those are the folks that stand behind you and your vision. They are your trusted advisors with whom you can share your ideas, your fears, doubts, and worries. They are committed to helping you see things through and will be there on those days when you can’t see the forest for the trees holding up the flashlight that illuminates your path.

Navigating change can feel daunting at first, especially when there’s uncertainty about the path ahead. But with the right support and planning, the journey becomes much smoother, and you’ll find yourself making progress in no time.


Taking a few calculated risks outweighs the regret of not having tried. There are people out there that you are meant to be helping with your new venture. And the rewards and fulfillment that come with that are priceless.


PS: If you’re finding yourself seriously considering a major transition in your life or business this year, you might enjoy my free guide about “How to reinvent yourself in your next chapter by following your passions”. You can download it here.

