The difference between wishing for something and actually getting it comes down to one thing.

“I believe it when I see it…”

How many times have you said this out loud to yourself?
We all do because it’s something that we’ve been brought up with, the notion that we see with our eyes.

Did you know that this is an incorrect statement and it is what is holding so many people back from going after what it is they really want.

The truth is we see through our eyes with cells of recognition that send a signal to our brain.

The truth is we see through our eyes with cells of recognition that send a signal to our brain.

And we all also see with our INNER EYE.

This is where your VISION lives.

Your big dream, what you want to create for yourself. 
The things that might seem so far out of your reach at this very moment that you’re keeping them to yourself, out of fear that you’re going to be judged by others…

The other day I had a conversation with somebody who wants to create $1,000,000 before she turns 40 years old.

She shared her beautiful vision with me and told me that she had no idea how to go about it.

I gave her a powerful exercise as homework and asked that she come back to me within 48 hours with her findings.

When we spoke again, she had gained clarity around HOW this could happen starting with her current resources, that included a business that she had lost interest in…

What changed?

She allowed herself to BELIEVE that it’s possible.

This is what Napoleon Hill talks about in his book “Think and Grow Rich“.

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

The key word here is BELIEVE.

You see, when you have a DESIRE deep down inside you when you can see it on

the screen of your mind, in other words, when you see it with your inner eye, and you BELIEVE that you CAN, you can make it your reality.

I’ve seen this happen in my life.

I’ve seen it happen with fellow entrepreneurs who’ve achieved magnificent things.


I’ve seen it with my own clients.

Meet Trish:

She had a big dream of what she wanted to create.

What was holding her back were her fears.

Once she got past them, she went from dreaming about establishing a business to making that dream a reality.

Whatever it is that you want to create, trust and believe that it is possible for you.

Is it going to take work?
Yes, absolutely!!

Is it going to take time?
You bet.

Will you have to learn new skills?

Will it cost you money?
Most definitely.


Here’s the most important thing that will make all the difference in bringing YOUR big inner vision to life.

You have to examine what you currently believe about yourself.

And if those beliefs are not congruent with the vision that you have for yourself, you have to TRANSFORM them, so that they are aligned with what you’re going after.

The BELIEF must come first as Hill points out in this book.

“There is a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it. No one is ready for a thing until he believes he can acquire it. 
The state of mind must be belief, not mere hope or wish…”

I know this is a lot to digest, especially if it’s the first time you hear it.

That’s why I invite you to go there, to see with your inner eye and to allow yourself to believe in what is possible for YOU.  






Simona Ksoll is a marketing strategist and mentor for small business owners and people who want to bring their big inner vision to life.  Follow her on Facebook,  LinkedIn and join her private Facebook Community.

