The reason why so many people stay stuck in a life and a career the secretly hate is because it’s scary AF to cut the cord of the familiar and step into the unknown.

The minute we move too far away from our comfort zone, fear sets in and all over sudden all these thoughts pop into our mind as to why it’s not a good idea to move forward any longer.

You’d be surprised at what comes up in my conversations with people who tell me that they are ready to make a significant change in their lives but not NOW. They all have a two or five-year plan and some of the most common reasons as to why they can’t are these:

Their car lease is not up until a year and a half from now…

There’s not enough money in their bank account just yet to make it work…

They have to pay off existing credit card debt before they can move…

These all sound plausible and that’s exactly what your subconscious mind wants you to believe. It wants you to agree with whatever it serves up so that you stop and don’t move forward.


Because its job is to keep us alive and safe. That’s what it’s programmed with and if it deems the move that you’re about to make as unsafe, it will find the EXACT reason that you’ll agree with because it knows your strategy for stopping.

Often people come to me because they are inspired by my journey having left corporate to start my own business and move to Mexico. They tell me that they want to do something similar but can’t bring themselves to do it because of the above reasons.

By the time we’re done with our initial conversation, they come to realize that …

A car lease is not the reason they are not making the move.

At some point, any money that they have sitting in a bank account will run out until they learn the skill to make money whenever they need it, in other words, if you’re in business until you master sales.

They can respond to their existing debt and pay it back from any place in the world, that’s why we have online banking.

And here is a common misconception about ‘stepping into your next chapter’, that there isn’t any work involved.

That’s a complete myth.

Because you’re doing something that you’ve never done before, you have a learning curve and you got to put in the hour and initially, you’re probably going to work more than in your former job.

If you’re running your own business you got to define your product or service and then master marketing, sales, and fulfillment. There’s work involved here, however, if you’re doing what you love, it won’t seem like work.

For me, there’s no better feeling than when I see a client break through their limitations and succeed or when a former client checks in and tells me that that time we spent together really helped them get through a rough time in their life.

So, what is it for you? What do you want your next chapter to be and what is holding you back from fully stepping into it?

If you have trouble gaining clarity around this, seek out help, whether it’s with me or somebody else.

There are people out there that can help you make the right decision for you and guide you through your transition.

Because what’s the alternative?

To never step out of the mold and show yourself what you’re capable of achieving?

Could you live with the regret of not even having tried?


PS: If you’re looking for some inspiration and motivation about what’s next for you in 2020 and beyond, you might enjoy this free training…


Charting a successful course into your next decade
Click here to grab your free recording.

Simona Ksoll is a former Hollywood Movie Executive turned  Personal Mentor to Entrepreneurs & Creatives.

Follow her on FacebookLinkedIn and in The Art of Living a Created Life Community.

