Everybody has a vision for the life and business they want to create, so what is it that has one person succeed sometimes in a relatively short amount of time and another chase that dream for the rest of their life without ever catching it?

The answer is simple:

Is has to do with HOW a person thinks, what they keep telling themselves, the beliefs that they buy into and where they habitually stop.

You see in order to succeed you have to cultivate a strong enough desire for the thing that you want. Napoleon Hill calls it a WHITE-HOT DESIRE in his classic  Think And Grow Rich.

This is the first step and the most critical one, because this DESIRE is what will carry you through and propel you forward when the going gets tough and trust me it will. Doesn’t matter if you are on an entrepreneurial journey or if you want to create a life by design because at some point you will be met with resistance. Your own and that of the people and circumstances you encounter in your environment.

That’s why you must hold this white-hot desire in front of you as the only TRUTH that there is, so it becomes a shining beacon of light that will illuminate your path and you can see the next step even in the darkest of times when you feel like you want to give up.

Because here is where our paradigms come in, our programming that started at a very early age. We accepted beliefs as truth before we were in a position to consciously reflect upon and reject them because they are not serving us in achieving our vision. Consequently, they are what keeps us stuck right where we are at.

It’s when we break through this programming that we can start living life from an authentic place and make our vision a reality.

Another thing that successful people do is THEY DON’T STOP, no matter how often they fall down, no matter what goes wrong because their desire to succeed is stronger than the urge to give up and call it a day.

They look forward to failing because they learn from it, they improve their game every single time and most importantly they take responsibility for their actions and don’t fall into victim mode.

So, if you are not succeeding and if you are finding yourself in a life that you have outgrown but somehow can’t seem to get to where you want to be ask yourself this:

Where do you stop?
What are you telling yourself?

Is it

I can’t do it because it’s too hard.

Well, then it will be hard.

Is it

I don’t know how to find the people that will buy from me.

Well, then you won’t find them.

Is it

I’ve got too much going on right now, I can’t really focus on the one thing that WILL actually make all the difference and will turn EVERYTHING around for me.

Well, then it will take longer, you will spend more money, you will get more frustrated and you run the risk that you will eventually give up, thus again validating a core belief that it’s not for you, that you are not good enough…

Or are you blaming others for your failures?

Then you are dis-empowering yourself by stepping into the victim role.

Nothing good will come of it.

To truly succeed in life and in business you must be willing to do what it takes, you have to take massive action, you have to be willing to be uncomfortable every step of the way, you got to OWN your BS and most importantly NEVER EVER waiver from your desired outcome.

Trust, believe and have Faith that you are going to achieve it against all odds.

And for that you got to fan that inner fire, that white-hot desire every single day.


Simona Ksoll is a brand marketing strategist and mentor for small business owners and people who want to bring their big inner vision to life.  Follow her on Facebook and  LinkedIn  and join her private Facebook Community.

Photo credit: Millisa Claire





