Have you noticed that the more you resist being, doing, or having something, the more frustrated you feel?

It’s not a coincidence because what we resist persists and consequently, we STAY STUCK and that sucks big time!!

So, no wonder we feel frustrated.

I speak to so many women on a weekly basis who have a big vision for what’s next in their life and business.

They are fully committed to doing what they think it takes to make it happen and

EVERY SINGLE TIME when the rubber is about to hit the road, they can’t bring themselves to do it.

And they have no idea why.

Talk about frustrating!

There is a root cause at the core of this and until this root cause isn’t eliminated, NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE.

When we come up against this type of resistance,

it feels like a wall has gone up and we just can’t break through.

Some of us get lost in busy work while others completely shut down or get so triggered emotionally that they can no longer focus on completing the activities they had committed themselves to doing.

Then I get questions from clients who ask, “Is it just me?”

No, it’s not just you.

Here’s what happens:

Consciously you desire to be, do or have more.

For example, you might be looking at a career change or to start your own business and while this excites on a conscious level, subconsciously there’s something you believe about yourself that doesn’t let you move forward.

This creates a value conflict.

We are torn. On the one side, we want something, on the other side, we just can’t seem to bring ourselves to do the work it’d take to get us there. It feels like we are up against a wall of resistance.

And here’s where the frustration comes in.

No matter how hard we try, nothing changes.

To resolve this conflict, we have to bring our subconscious mind into harmony with our conscious desire.

But here’s the problem.

Your subconscious mind is programmed to keep you safe and alive and it’s by far the more powerful part of your mind. Studies have shown that it controls 95 % of your mindpower whereas your conscious mind controls just the remaining 5%.

So if it perceives anything as unsafe (like you wanting to change careers or start your own business), it will do anything it can to prevent you from doing it.

And here’s the good news:

You can literally reprogram your subconscious mind, so it works alongside your conscious desire and no longer perceives the course of action you are required to take to reach your goals as a threat.

It works the same way as installing a new software update on your computer so it runs smoother.

When you resolve this value conflict, your conscious mind and your subconscious mind work in harmony. They are pulling on the same string. There is no more resistance.

You can take the action steps required and it will feel a lot easier. Say goodbye to frustration.

And when you take these action steps you create a new result for yourself which then solidifies a new belief in your mind that yes, you can do this.

Because you just gave yourself the experience.

If you want to dive deeper into this topic and how you can break patterns that are holding you back from moving forward in the direction of your goals, I did a free class on this recently titled


How to escape the prison of your mind, so that you can create the

life and income you desire

You can download it for free right here:



Here’s is what I covered in this class:

==>How to overcome the 7 biggest obstacles that are holding you back from stepping into your next chapter

==>How to access your own inner superpower (which once you have unlocked it, is available to you 24/7)


==>A proven strategy for how to increase your income (It might challenge you but I promise you’ll raise your income immediately when you follow this.)

If you’re stuck at the moment or keep delaying to make your own bold move (you know who you are), then this might just be the thing you need to hear today.


Simona Ksoll is a personal mentor to entrepreneurs & creatives. A former global marketing executive at Sony Pictures, she supports her clients with subconscious belief change, neuro-scientific re-patterning, teaching Success Principles, and developing an individual business and/or lifestyle strategy that allows them to confidently step into their next chapter.

Follow her on Facebook, LinkedIn, and join her private  Community for Entrepreneurs & Creatives.

