Every week I talk with people who have a big dream, they want big things for themselves and they are very much emotionally invested in their vision. So much so that they tell just about anybody about it. I know the feeling when you just want to shout it from the rooftops…

And what often happens next is they get crushed because the people in their environment do not share their enthusiasm and shut them down based on their own limited perception of what they think is possible or safe.

This can happen with the best intentions and it also happens with the worst of intentions where you share your dream with somebody and they literally squash it telling you all the reasons why you can’t…

This is absolutely disheartening and what it does is that it keeps you stuck in a little box.

You’re constantly receiving the message that you can’t go any further and if you allow it to continue you stop dreaming big altogether because your environment is constantly reinforcing that you can’t.

Don’t let your insecurities and what people in your current environment have told you that you can be, do or have stop you from fulfilling your vision.

Instead surround yourself with those who can support you on your journey, who give you tough love when you need to hear it, who celebrate and recognize you for who you are and who hold your vision high for you in those dark times when you cannot see it anymore because you’re buried so deep in your story that you’re running in circles or it feels that you’re spinning out.

We’ve all been there and it does feel like shit when you’re in it.

When that happens, recognize where you need help and ask for it.

Nobody does it in their own, but when we don’t ask, we make it harder than it needs to be and we prolong the cycle.

Trust that there is a way, there has to be and that everything that you are experiencing is happening FOR you so you can fulfill that vision.

And here’s something you can do immediately to help you stay strong and grounded:

1. ONLY share your vision with those who are in a position to support you.

2. Set strong boundaries with people in your environment who constantly put you down or criticize you and if they do not stop, remove them from your life. (I know this is tough but it’s the only way that you will be able to achieve your vision. I had to do it with my own mother.)

3. Surround yourself with a network of people who support you. (Coaches, mentors, peers, a mastermind group…)

Above all, keep moving forward!



PS: Got questions? Or need support in any area of your life or business? Comment below and let me know what you’re currently experiencing.


And if you desire to have a meaningful conversation to gain clarity on how you can get unstuck, I set some time aside every week to have private conversations with the members of my community. If you are called to make a change, please find a time for us to talk in my calendar.


Simona Ksoll is a former Hollywood Movie Executive turned Personal Mentor to Entrepreneurs & Creatives.

Follow her on Facebook,  LinkedIn and in The Art of Living a Created Life Community.

