You can create anything that you put your mind to.

Every single day of your life you have this opportunity.

When you stay connected to your vision in your heart and your mind.

That’s when you become aware of the HOW…

The resources, the opportunities, the people that are meant to be helping you.

If you are on my Telegram channel you already know this, but in case you aren’t, let me share this little story with you:

If you have been following me for a while you know that in 2013 I had my moment of awakening when I heard the voice that told me I had to move to Mexico. That was the beginning of my journey.

You also know that this is the time when I found my first ever mentor because the Universe always brings you what you need when you need it.

She opened a door where I got a glimpse of the path ahead and then introduced me to her mentor, who taught me the skills of how to build a portable business.

I haven’t seen this former mentor of mine since 2014 and last week while at a retreat, I ran into her.

I walked up to her and I thanked her for helping me make my dream my reality.

She was one of the first people who believed in me.

That was a beautiful reminder that everything in life happens for a reason. There are no coincidences.

You will be presented with the right teachers, the right mentors, the right coaches, the right resources, the minute that you step into the field and make a decision, that you are all in, that you are going after your dream no matter how far-fetched and outside of your current perception of normal it might seem.

It’s likely going to be very different from what you’ve been doing up until now, even though you’ll come to realize how all your experiences and all the skills you’ve accumulated over the course of your life are essential and required for this next chapter.

Stop worrying about the HOW, because when you decide that you are all in, it will present itself in many beautiful and synchronistic ways.

God always meets you in the field.

