I’ve been working with quite a few entrepreneurs over the past weeks to help them set up their Facebook Ads. One of the biggest mistakes that I am seeing is being cheap when it comes to the images and the graphics.

Yes, I am going to say it out loud, that is why a lot of Facebook Ads out there SUCK. You might say that is rather blunt but wouldn’t you want to know the truth so you don’t burn your hard earned money on ads that don’t work?

Just think about your own behavior for a moment. You scroll, scroll, scroll until something catches your attention, right? Let me ask you this: Would an ad that comes up in your news feed with cluttered graphics and a low quality image that looks like your best friend took it catch your eye and make you stop in you tracks? It wouldn’t, am I right? There you have it, your tribe won’t look at it either because it BLENDS in.

If you want to go from blending in to STANDING OUT you got to invest. Now there are other things where you can get wrong. TARGETING being probably the biggest one. And again here you have to invest time and some budget to target ONE group at a time, not everybody else and their mom all at once.

This is what I have been working on with some of my private clients.

But let me be frank, working with me one on one in a 3 hour tutorial session


You really have to be ready to roll up your sleeves and dig in. And since I have full time job in the movie biz, I only have space to serve a handful of people at a time an what I am really focused on is longer term coaching relationships that go over a period of three to sixth months.

Then the other day a friend recommended I read this little gem called “The Go- Giver”.You might have heard me mention it before. The book in its essence says that “The Secret To Success is giving….”.

Inside you find a story about a powerful business idea consisting of applying 5 specific laws in order to achieve stratospheric success.

Naturally this did peak my interested and I became fascinated with the concept so let me share. The five laws described in the book are as follows:






The Law of Value states:

“Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment”.

I thought this was interesting as I read  this very statement in itself until I read the second chapter on The LAW OF COMPENSATION.

It states:

“Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how you well you serve them.”

This is when I decided to create a 2 part  Mini-Course on Facebook Ads for Coaches & Entrepreneurs completely for FREE in March. It’s going to be 2 one-hour audio training calls where I will talk all about the nitty-gritty of Facebook Ads and how you can get them to convert for you.

Stay tuned for more information to come. You’ll hear about it here first.


Much love,

