In a nutshell, it’s because it requires you to



When you set your eyes on a big goal and decide to go after it, the opportunity always shows up.
It’s how the Universe works.
Granted it doesn’t always show up the way we’d like it because EVERY opportunity comes at a price.

That’s why Napoleon Hill in his book Think and Grow Rich said this…

Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat.

Here’s why…

You might have to do something that you’ve never done before and it feels uncomfortable.

You might have to invest your time, your money or learn a new skill, or you might have to move to a different location.

You might not succeed at first…

And we don’t want to do any of that because it doesn’t feel good.

That’s how we don’t see an opportunity for what it is because it always comes with a particular set of challenges intended to help us grow into our next level.

To become the person that we need to be so that we can live in our vision.

Think about it:

You got a big vision.
Who is the person that fills the shoes of this vision?


What kind of values and attributes are required for you to be truly living your vision?

That’s where the growth comes in.

That’s why the opportunity shows up, so you can step into it, take on the challenge, adapt to it and grow from it.

What’s the opportunity in front of you now?
Are you a yes to it?


I’d love to invite you to a free training call on Thursday the 17th about how to access YOUR INVISIBLE POWER where we’re going to talk about how you can RECOGNIZE opportunity and fearlessly step into it, so that you can chart your successful course into 2021.


I’m super excited to share this with you.

Game on 2021!

