You’re not ready and you don’t want it bad enough.

Plain and simple.

Before you keep scrolling, hear me out.

I was there in 2014.

I had a big dream and yet I didn’t want it bad enough at the time.

I didn’t want to get uncomfortable.

I didn’t want to get activated.

I didn’t want to do the work because it seemed overwhelming and I was terrified to burn the bridges…


I understand what you’re going through.

A lot of people I talk to tell me they have a 3-year or a 5-year plan for stepping into their next chapter.

My first question to them is usually this:

How would you like to collapse that timeline to 12 months?

Sometimes I hear a nervous giggle, sometimes they just pause, and you could cut through that silence with a knife.

Because it just became REAL for them.

You see 3-5 years from now is projecting into the future.

12 months from now means it’s happening, and I got to do something about it NOW, it means deciding, taking action, doing the work starting TODAY…

First of all yes, you do need a well thought out plan that works for you and what you want to create in your life and business and implementing it will take some time.

But you don’t want to stretch that timeline out too far.

Here are 2 reasons why:

1. You have no idea where you’re going to be or if you’re even going to be around 3 years from now.

Sorry to put it this bluntly, but that is the truth.

2. You are giving your mind a conscious command to NOT do anything about it until 3 or 5 years from now when you should be working towards achieving your vision EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

And before you know it 3 years have gone by, 5 years have gone by and you still haven’t done anything about it.

I had a high-powered executive the manager of a large brokerage firm tell me once that he had a 10 (!!) year plan and he quickly added that he already knew he couldn’t wait that long because of his mounting health issues.

Think about what NOT ACTING NOW is costing you in terms of your health, freedom, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

And not only that.

Also, think about what you not taking action now is costing those who you are meant to be helping, the people out there that are desperately waiting for you to say YES to you and step into your purpose.

I am very grateful to have a mentor who showed me the way and I have often wondered what if… he had said NO to his calling?

I certainly wouldn’t be where I am at today, doing the work that I do and sharing this with you.

Thankfully, he did say YES to all his challenges and so did I.

I said yes to letting go of my security blanket and even though as an introvert it’s not the easiest thing for me to do, I stepped out and I let myself be seen.

It’s the only way that things change.

What about you [FIRST NAME GOES HERE]?
What are you really waiting for?

Why not start TODAY working towards making your vision your reality?

Here’s what it takes:

STEP 1: Get really clear on what you REALLY want, not what you think you can get and then visualize yourself having arrived, really feeling into what it feels like to live that life.

STEP 2: Set yourself a deadline by when you’re going to live that life.

STEP 3: Reverse engineer the steps that will take you there.


This is what I work on with my clients in the “Transform your Life from the inside out” program, a sacred container where we journey together for 12 months, an entire year.

First, we build out your vision in a private VIP Day Intensive experience at my home in Playa del Carmen, Mexico or in Miami (you choose the location).

We explore what you believe about yourself at your deepest subconscious level and transform any beliefs that we uncover that are holding you back into what you’d need to believe about yourself instead so that you can move foward with ease and grace making this vision your reality.

Then we look at your skill set and if there’s anything you still need to learn in order to reach your goals. I had to and I can tell you the learning never stops. It’s also the best investment you’ll ever make because nothing and nobody can ever take it away from you.

We develop a strategy where we reverse engineer what it’ll take to get you from where you are today to where you want to be.

In other words, we determine who you’d need to become to step into truly living this life that you so deeply desire.

And then it’s all about implementation with a second private VIP Day Intensive at the 6 months mark where we recalibrate, adjust and celebrate your achievements.

If you have a big vision for yourself and you’re serious about making it happen, yet you’ve been telling yourself that you have a 3, 5 or 10-year plan because you’re scared, I want to talk to you.

Let me help you collapse your timeline to 12 months.

This is what my mentor did for me after I had been bumbling around for 2 full years, caught in my own web of resistance giving into fear, doubt and worry about what if…. x, y or z catastrophe were to happen (which by the way never did.)

Let me help you ACCURATELY think your way through this minefield so that you can courageously step into your next chapter and do the work that you came here to do.



PS: This is only for you if you are 100% serious about making a big life transition because you simply CANNOT bear any longer to settle for a life unlived. There is a serious investment involved in terms of your time, money and willingness to do the work.

You must have skin in the game, and you know that you cannot wait any longer because this has become a burning desire that you can no longer ignore.

If this is you, I want to talk to you.

Simply REPLY to this email and let me know what you’re looking to create.

We’ll have a powerful initial conversation at no-cost-to-you and during this conversation, I will do 3 things for you.

1. Tell you if you’re truly READY to make the move and step into your next chapter.

You might not be, that is the truth and YOU’LL come to realize it during our time together.

2. Help you finally understand the exact reasons WHY you are not able to move forward

3. And tell you what YOUR NEXT STEPS are to get from where you are to where you want to be.

If this resonates with you and you know that you require guidance because you’re done with spinning your wheels, send me an email to and let me know. I’d love to support you on this journey, and I look forward to speaking with you.



Simona Ksoll is a personal mentor to entrepreneurs & creatives helping them bring their big inner vision to life. Follow her on FacebookLinkedIn and join her private Facebook Community.

