There is nothing worse than the feeling of being in limbo when we are faced with a big decision. The weighing of the pros and cons without arriving at a conclusion because your mind defaults to safety.

Truth be told safety is highly overrated and it’s an illusion,


It’s also your subconscious mind’s primary program: To keep you safe and alive.

It will do ANYTHING to complete that mission.

That’s why change feels so damn hard and scary.

Because this powerful part of your mind is doing a really amazing job.

Starting with the negative chatter in between your ears.

Then ramping up your emotional response.

Making you hyper-aware of the negative events and circumstances in your environment … It’s all designed to get you to come to the agreement that IT’S NOT A GOOD IDEA to move forward because ______ (fill in your blank).

What if….

You took a different approach focusing on your possibilities?

And started looking at where can you find EVIDENCE of these possibilities in your environment already.

The mind learns by looking for matches and patterns. If somebody else has successfully done what you want to do, it’s evidence that not only can it be done, but that YOU can do it, too. Let’s make the way your mind operates work for you.

An important part of the mentoring I do with my private clients is to help

them dissolve their subconscious resistance through a process based in neuroscience.

Afterward, they no longer feel like they are fighting against windmills on the road to achieving their goals.

Instead, the things that they previously weren’t able to do become easier.

And because now they are taking action, they get entirely new results.

Often they react with amazement because what once seemed so difficult, now happens naturally and with ease.

Change does not have to be difficult or take a long time.

If you are on the fence, and you recognize yourself in the above, you are dealing with some deep-rooted patterns and their corresponding behavioral traits that are holding you hostage, spinning your wheels in the same place.

Take this short quiz 

and see if you can uncover some of those sneaky behaviors that can send you into a tailspin in no time, and more importantly find out what you can start doing right now to kick them to the curb.

You see, you hold the keys to your own kingdom. You are the creator of your life. Believe in yourself and in your divine power. Turn off the old programming, focus ONLY on what you do want in your life, and then get to work!

It is time to make the jump!


