NEVER let anything or anyone get in the way of your dream.

Easier said than done, you might think just about now.

I get it.


I know how frustrating it can feel when we can’t seem to get our desired results despite putting in our best efforts.

The good news is that you can change this and often in just a very short amount of time.


Let me explain…

We “see” and interpret our world based on our perception of it.

And we perceive through our senses: We hear, see, smell, taste, and touch.

This is how we filter information from the outside (our environment, our circumstances, people, places and things…) and bring it into our inner world.


Then immediately 2 things happen at the same time:

1. We form an image of this information on the screen of our conscious mind.

2. And… our subconscious mind tells us HOW to think about this image.

It does a quick evaluation based on past experiences and what our belief system is to determine if this picture is safe or a threat.


Our subconscious mind’s primary program is to keep us alive.

So, if it determines the information is a threat, code red alarms bells go off, and it automatically engages a defense mechanism that puts up a wall of resistance to shut it down, in other words, it presents you with the PERFECT REASON as to why you shouldn’t move forward.

And it does it by way of getting you to AGREE that it’s not a good idea to move forward.
It knows the EXACT point where YOU stop.

That point is different for each and every one of us.

(For me it used to be emotional turmoil that would stop me every single time until I learned to use the tools in my toolbox…and yes, that involved putting sticky notes in ‘strategic locations’ to remind myself that I have them.)

Does this sound familiar?

This is why so many people stay stuck, despite putting their best foot forward.

And that’s where the frustration comes in.

Now, I said above that you can change it.

Here’s how and…

No, it’s not by repeating affirmations all day long.

You change it by correctly identifying the belief that is at the root of engaging the defense mechanism.

The way to NEUTRALIZE the mechanism is to transform this core belief by rewriting the programming of your mind in a user-friendly way so that you can change your outcomes and results.

The even better news is, that this can be done fast.



Two thing


Transform what you currently believe is possible for you and then take action on that new belief. (This is critical!!)



If you’re stuck, spinning your wheels, unable to move forward, I’d love to support you get unstuck, so that you can effortlessly take the right steps in the direction you want to be going.

Reach out by simply commenting below and let me know what’s going on.


NEVER let anything or anyone get in the way of your dream.

This is YOUR life and you get to CHOOSE how to live it.


PS: If you’re looking for some inspiration and motivation about what’s next for you, you might enjoy this free training…



The EXACT steps I took to create a life by design (and how you can do it, too.)

Click here to grab your free recording.


Simona Ksoll is a former Hollywood Movie Executive turned  Personal Mentor to Entrepreneurs & Creatives.

Follow her on Facebook,  LinkedIn and in The Art of Living a Created Life Community.

