Feeling stuck or have come up against a major obstacle that prevents you from moving forward in your life and business?

Tried every marketing strategy out there, set up all your systems, have followed all the instructions you’ve been taught on countless online trainings…. and STILL you’re not getting the results you want?


Think about how much trying to figure it out by yourself has been costing you in lost income. Not to speak about the frustration of wrecking your mind just WHY it is not working when you’re following all the instructions by the book.

This is not like baking where you can follow the recipe and expect the outcome to be the perfect cake.

What you’ve come up against is a LIMITING BELIEF that keeps you stuck right where you’re at spinning your wheels and digging them deeper and deeper into the sand. It’s old programming festering in your mind for countless years that’s putting on the breaks and won’t let you get to the next level. 

More than likely it’s just the tip of the iceberg of an entire belief system that you’ve been indoctrinated with from an early age on that is not serving you anymore and it’s keeping you chained to a life that you have outgrown.

And for you to move beyond it, you must be willing to dig in and do the inner work, so that your results change on the outside.

The first step in doing this is to become AWARE of what’s really going on and that means identifying the belief.

Then ask yourself

How is it serving me?’

What does it enable you to do?

It does serve you on some level even if it’s frustrating as hell and what you’ll find is that it keeps you in your comfort zone where you’re just cruising along, even though you might not necessarily like where you are at but it feels safe.

Because of your programming you’re pretty married to this belief so much so that you hold it as an absolute truth and you see no way out. When you find yourself at this juncture, you’re likely coming up against an enormous amount of frustration and you might even contemplate throwing in the towel and just go back to a job, stay even longer in that relationship that has run its course or what have you…

Here is where a mentor comes in who can help you shining a light on the blindspot that you’re dealing with to help you discover what is TRUE because this is what you’ve come up against, a blindspot where you can’t see the forest for the trees.

But as soon as somebody turns the light switch on for you, you’ll never again be able to ‘unsee‘ this belief for what it  is, something that is not true and that is definitely not serving you.

You can then release it and make a conscious choice to replace it with a new belief that IS serving you and aligns with what it is your’re trying to achieve.

This is how you break through, clear the obstacle and move on to the next level.


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I’m excited to meet you!


Simona Ksoll is a brand marketing strategist and mentor for small business owners and people who want to bring their big inner vision to life.  Follow her on Facebook,  LinkedIn and join her private Facebook Community.

