Can I ask you something?
How committed are you to create the life and business you love?

There are 3 things that determine your success in any undertaking.

Your COMMITMENT to your cause.

Your WILLPOWER to consistently do what it takes to get your desired results and

Your FOCUS  to complete the tasks that lead to you reaching your goals.

Let’s talk about commitment for a sec…

Being able to hold your vision high so that even when the going gets tough, you don’t stop moving forward.

Because let’s face it:

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by situations, circumstances and even negative emotional states.

When that happens, we tend to interpret something that’s happening externally as a sign to quit or at least take the pedal off the metal for a little while.

And before you know it today turns into tomorrow, tomorrow turns into next week, then next month, you get the picture…

What happens to your dream, your vision?
It dies a slow death.

And what happens to the legacy you’re looking to create?

It won’t happen.

Nobody ever fails, we agree to quit.
Hear me on that!

We agree to quit because we buy into a story that is not serving us.

That’s why it’s so important to connect with your vision and your desire that got you started on this journey in the first place DAILY.

It’s the fuel that fans your inner fire.


Where there’s desire, there’s passion and where there’s passion there’s motivation to keep going.

Step into your vision and SEE yourself at the end of the journey.
What’s the environment that you’re in?
What do you HEAR other people say about you?
How do you FEEL?

Connect with your desire like this every single day and you’ll see how your passion and your motivation will carry you through those dark moments.

What presents itself as overwhelm is rarely that, it’s almost always related to a deeper fear that needs to be brought to the surface and cleared out of the way.

This is how I work with my clients.

I don’t let them off the hook.

I’m committed to holding their vision high because I believe in them and their dream more than they do.

And yes, that means I challenge them on their excuses.

They don’t always like it.

But real, deep coaching is not about being liked, it’s about truly helping somebody get out of the story that keeps them spinning their wheels and catapult them to where they want to be.

It takes time.

It takes work.

It takes commitment on the part of the client and the coach and…

It takes a willingness to not hold back, to be all in, to speak your truth even when it’s cringe-worthy uncomfortable.

This is how you get RESULTS and that’s why my private mentorship programs are a tailor-made personal experience for high-achievers who are ready for their next level of growth.

If this is you, I invite you to reach out.

With love,



If you enjoyed this article and want to have more real conversations, I invite you to join my FREE private Create the Business You Love Facebook Community right here. Connect with like-minded women from all over the globe who are building a thriving life and business they love. This is a great and very supportive place to share your expertise, network or ask questions. 

I’m excited to meet you!

Simona Ksoll is a marketing strategist and mentor for small business owners and people who want to bring their big inner vision to life.  Follow her on Facebook,  LinkedIn and join her private Facebook Community.

