Quick question …

Are you living the life you’ve always wanted to live, or have you settled for a life that looks great on the outside but deep down inside you know that something’s missing?

Maybe you can’t put your finger on it, but you secretly want more, in your business, your career, your relationship, your friendships…

I can relate because that was me a few years back.

I had a great life – on the outside.

I worked at a major Hollywood Movie Studio, developing global marketing campaigns for big blockbuster feature films and hit television shows, had great benefits, a ‘nice’ bonus, 5 weeks paid vacation – I seemingly hit the jackpot:

Immigrant girl from Austria living the American Dream
-a success story fitting for the movies, no pun intended.

And yes, it was a great life BUT…

Behind that fabulous facade on the outside was a scared little girl that was desperately trying to figure out how to make things work and find her way after a heartbreaking divorce, and she felt so empty on the inside…

Fast forward a few years a lot has changed, and it’s been a trying and also very rewarding journey on many levels.

The other day I posted this quote on my personal page

When you follow your soul’s calling, things become effortless.

It stems from my own experience and is my truth.

A few minutes later somebody posted an interesting question in the comments.

How do you know what is your soul’s calling?

It’s a great an important question that’s why I did a FB live on it, too. You can check it out HERE but in short –

By tuning in.

By getting quiet, tuning inward and asking yourself the question.

What am I meant to be doing?
Who did I come here to be?

And if you get quiet enough, the answer will come and when it does, don’t doubt it even if it sounds outlandish to you at first.

Mine sure did – I mean, I wanted to move to Mexico… seriously that wasn’t ever going to happen…


That voice that you’re hearing, that thought that sparked as you asked yourself the question, that’s your desire speaking to you.

The Universe speaks to us through our desires.

It’s telling you:

“Hey, I’m here to remind you that this is where you’re meant to be going, this is what you came here to do… off you go. C’mon now, follow it!”

And all too often we dismiss it because it seems too far-fetched and we get stuck in the

“How the heck is this ever going to happen?”

When you choose to follow it, it will have you do things you’ve never done before, you’ll meet people you’d never met otherwise, you’ll give yourself experiences you’ll never think you’d have – it will take you to heights you’d never imagined you could reach because it’ll show you WHO YOU REALLY ARE.

What you’re made of and what you came here to do.

And yes, there’s a considerable amount of work that goes along with it, inner and outer work because the moment you decide to go for it you’ll come face to face with your belief system, and you’ll likely have to transform several of them so that you can keep moving forward.

I had to.

It wasn’t easy and I’m still working on it.

The truth is that this work never ends.

It continues and that is perfect because this is how we grow.

But back to things becoming effortless.

When you’re all in, the Universe is all in and things that have previously been hard become EFFORTLESS because you’re in alignment with what you came here to do.

I wanted to share this with you today so that it may inspire you to go for what you REALLY want in your life, in your business in your relationships…

This is your life and it’s meant to be great in every area and you can DO IT and HAVE IT when you say YES to your desire and follow your heart’s calling.



If you enjoyed this article and want to have more real conversations, I invite you to join my FREE private Create the Business You Love Facebook Community right here. Connect with like-minded women from all over the globe who are building a thriving life and business they love. This is a great and very supportive place to share your expertise, network or ask questions. 

I’m excited to meet you!

Simona Ksoll is a marketing strategist and mentor for small business owners and people who want to bring their big inner vision to life.  Follow her on Facebook,  LinkedIn and join her private Facebook Community.


