Ever been all gung-ho and super motivated in your business and then BAM something happens that has the potential to completely derail you? Today’s blog is about how to not let that happen but to keep your focus and willpower on the goals you’ve set for yourself.

The other day my doctor told me I needed an implant…

Turns out that my triple root canal was a hopeless cause after all.

So, this week I had to have dental surgery.

I was given the choice to postpone the thing until after my June trip to the States and my immediate reaction was, yes that’s great, I can put it off for a while, but I quickly reconsidered.

The truth is it had to happen, and I knew the sooner I got started, the sooner I’d be done with it even though the idea of a tooth extraction and bone grafting is not appealing, and this got me thinking…

The same happens in business all the time.

We know that there are certain things we are required to do in order to be successful.

Now, you might not always like to do them, because they are uncomfortable and they stretch you beyond your comfort zone but the truth is, you have to do them.

And the sooner you get started, the sooner you’ll reap the rewards.

And yes, there will be days when it’s so uncomfortable that you cringe (like me a couple of hours after my tooth extraction when the anesthesia wore off and my bone was not happy …) but as time goes by and you keep doing these things that are uncomfortable, you’ll realize that everything passes, and it gets easier.

And before you know it if you repeat it often enough it becomes a habit, second nature, you don’t even think about it anymore.

It’s just something that you trained yourself to do.

So, don’t delay the inevitable, do what you have to do to get to where you want to be.

Stay positive about the experience, only think about your next step and then go do it.

I know it can be scary.

I felt that the other day as I got into the chair to get started with the procedure, but my dentist took such great care of me.

He explained every step of the surgery, told me exactly what’s going to happen afterward, how we’re going to continue our journey together and what to expect, so there are no surprises.

When you’re doing a thing you’ve never done before in your business, it’s scary because you don’t know what to expect.

That’s why it’s helpful to enlist the help of a coach or a mentor who has walked the path before and can tell you what to expect and how to navigate the minefield of your limiting beliefs that will have you run for the hills when you’re supposed to be moving forward toward reaching your goal.

There’s nothing wrong with asking for help.

It’s not a sign of weakness.

Nobody does it alone.

The most successful people in the world surround themselves with experts and mentors who hold their vision high. 

That’s why they are where they are.

If you are stuck, reach out.
Whether you work with me or somebody else doesn’t matter, just get help.

This is your life, your dream, your vision.
You CAN do it.

I believe in you!


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I’m excited to meet you!

Simona Ksoll is a marketing strategist and mentor for small business owners and people who want to bring their big inner vision to life.  Follow her on Facebook,  LinkedIn and join her private Facebook Community.

