Everything changes the minute you make a decision.

A few years ago, I made a decision.

It involved taking a cross-country flight to go to a live event with my mentor.

It was my first time attending one of his events.

I had bought a non-stop ticket from Los Angeles to Charlotte.

A week prior to departure I realized that my booking hadn’t gone through.

I had no flight.

So, I re-booked.

This time there weren’t any non-stop flights available anymore, so I had to connect in Denver.

I got to the gate early in LA and boarded the plane.

10 minutes later a woman comes up to me telling me that I am in her seat.

I insisted it was my seat and I showed her my ticket.

The flight attendant comes over.

He said: Ma’am, you’re on the wrong plane.

I asked: But this one goes to Denver, right?

He said: Yes, but it’s not your flight, your flight departs from our adjacent gate.

I had to get off and miraculously still made my actual flight which was departing at the same time.

Now, what are the odds of this?

The fact that I got on the wrong plane in the first place and then still made my flight.

I was contemplating this as we started rolling off the runway.

Something inside of me told me that I probably was not supposed to go to this live event.

Truth be told, I was afraid that the plane would crash.

Well, you know it didn’t.

I went to the event.
I was mesmerized.

And I came home with the commitment of a $20,000 investment in myself.

That’s how much it cost at the time to work with my mentor for 4(!!) hours. (It’s gone up since…)

Had I not done it, I would not be where I am today.

But you see my subconscious fought me tooth and nail.

I thought I had booked the ticket when I didn’t…

I got on the wrong plane and almost missed the event…

I was terrified at investing in myself at this level…


I had made a decision…

I knew I needed help to make my dream my reality, so I did all these things no matter how scary they felt at the time.

And I continue to invest.
I continue to learn so I am able to serve my clients at a higher level.
I continue to do things that are scary AF.

Because they move the needle in the direction of where I am going.

If you want to make YOUR dream you reality, you have to make a decision.

Because the mindset that got you this far

is not going to get you to where you want to go,

especially if your vision is big.


This is your life.

Decide today that you’re going for it.

Decide today that you’re honoring your desire, that little voice that’s been nudging at you for a while now.

If you’re are worried about safety and security, don’t.

Haven’t the last few months shown us that nothing is safe and secure?

Trust yourself.

Your true desire always leads you down the right path.

Know that your dream is worth it.

And most importantly know that YOU are worth it.

Make a decision.


Simona Ksoll is a personal mentor to entrepreneurs & creatives. A former global marketing executive at Sony Pictures, she supports her clients with subconscious belief change, neuro-scientific re-patterning, teaching Success Principles, and developing an individual business and/or lifestyle strategy that allows them to confidently step into their next chapter.

Follow her on Facebook, LinkedIn, and join her private  Community for Entrepreneurs & Creatives.




