oIf this is your current reality, it can be frustrating as hell because it feels like no matter what you do or how hard you try, you’re not getting closer to the finish line.

There’s a reason for this. When we set a big goal, the journey to achieve it is riddled with obstacles that challenge us. They require is to break out of the mold of our comfort zone, think differently, engage new behaviors, and take calculated risks.

This is highly uncomfortable for most people but the whole idea behind is that we grow into what we are capable of achieving. It’s a shedding of skin to reveal a bigger and better version of you.

And here’s what happens almost immediately when we make the decision to embark on this journey. A set of circumstances shows up that seems to throw a wrench into our plans, and we can’t seem to figure out how to proceed.

The truth is that you cannot overcome your current circumstance with the belief system that created it.

Something must change for you to step into your next chapter, your next level of growth.

As you are seeking to expand your life by achieving your goal, you must expand.

And the first level of where that expansion takes place is in your mind.

You’re working from the inside out.

Because those beliefs will stop you every single time.

That’s why it feels like 1 step forward 2 steps back.

Let’s say an opportunity shows up that brings you closer to your goal and deep down inside you know that, and you might even get excited about it


Because it shows up as totally inconvenient (isn’t it always), the dialog in your mind starts going off:

I don’t have the time right now.

I don’t have the money to do it.

I can’t do it because of COVID…

That last one is a good one to justify why you can’t.

I challenge you:

If others can while we are in this situation, why not you?

And as you listen to that mental chatter, sooner or later you come to a plausible agreement why you can’t.

And it feels good for a moment.

Sigh of relief… dodged that bullet.

Not it’s not good because that’s how we stay stuck in the same old rut, that we have already outgrown. A simple proof for that is your desire to achieve the goal, to be, do or have more.

And what happens next is that we get frustrated.

If it goes on for too long, angry, and bitter.

We might even start blaming just to make ourselves feel better because deep down inside YOU DO WANT MORE.

But the bottom line is that NOTHING CHANGES.

You take one step forward, and two steps back.

Remember the first expansion must take place in your mind.

You have a belief system in place that got you to where you are right now.

It won’t get you to where you intend to go.

So the question to ask yourself is this:

What would you need to believe INSTEAD so that you CAN choose the opportunity, that is the stepping stone to getting what you want?

Adopt that new belief.

Start acting on that new belief, and you’ll see your world change.

Got questions?

Drop me line in the comments.

Simona Ksoll is a personal mentor to entrepreneurs & creatives. A former global marketing executive at Sony Pictures, she supports her clients with subconscious belief change, neuro-scientific re-patterning, teaching Success Principles, and developing an individual business and/or lifestyle strategy that allows them to confidently step into their next chapter.

Follow her on Facebook, LinkedIn, and join her private  Community for Entrepreneurs & Creatives.

