Trust that there is always a way to make it happen!

In 2010, I went through an emotional divorce. My husband left me for another woman after 15 years of marriage. My first reaction was to get on the next plane and run back home to Austria.  (At the time I was living in Venice Beach, California.)

Everything inside me was screaming for safety. My nervous system was up in arms as my subconscious mind prepared to face the proverbial ‘saber-tooth tiger’: Fight, flight, or freeze.

It settled on FLIGHT – run, Simona run.

 After the initial adrenaline shock, my conscious mind kicked in and put forth a few good arguments.

OK, wait a minute here… you put in 15 years of your life in this country.

You have an amazing career as a movie studio executive.

You are a permanent resident of the United States and eligible for citizenship. Let’s get that done and THEN you can still go back home…

I made a deal with myself.

I was going to get the citizenship, hoping that by that time my emotions would have calmed down as well and I could make a sound decision.

Smart move! 

 Little did I know what I was getting into. A native of Austria, I was told I couldn’t have dual citizenship. I’d have to give up my Austrian passport.


I called the Austrian Consulate General in Los Angeles. The lady in charge was very friendly yet she adamantly told me the same thing. 

So I pulled out my trump card.

How about Arnold Schwarzenegger?

He has dual citizenship.

Is he more equal in front of the law than me?

There was an uncomfortable silence at the other end of the line. Then she made her comeback.

Well,… there is a way, but it’s not going to get approved.

It never gets approved.

Me:  Tell me more… 

She: Well, you need to apply for continuation of Austrian citizenship in the event of acquiring the US one, but you must build a solid case and demonstrate hardship and you must have people testify on your behalf, and then it’s expensive and it hardly ever gets approved, so don’t even bother…

Me: Please send me the paperwork and the requirements, ma’am…


I built the case.

I got the letters of support.

I contacted everybody in my network that I thought could help me.

I found somebody who was close with the governor of my federal state in Austria who would make the decision and this person pleaded for me, a complete stranger.

I paid the money and…


I am a dual citizen today because I didn’t let somebody who said NO stop me. 

I found a way to make it happen and I was willing to roll up my sleeves, do the work and pay the money.

 Never, ever let somebody tell you what you can be, do or have.

Always try one more time and then try again and again, until you get it.

Remember the old saying “Where there is a will, there is a way?”

Let me put it this way:

If you have a burning desire, something that stirs your heart and sets your soul on fire, you bet that there is a way for you to make it happen.

That’s the Law!

 The question is: 

Are YOU willing to do what it takes?


If you’d like support on your journey in making your dream, your big vision your reality, I’d love to help. There is a number of ways that we can work together. They all start with a powerful, initial consultation. Whenever you are ready, you can find a time for us to talk RIGHT HERE.

