Are you loving your life or does it feel like you’re in the wrong movie and don’t know how you’re going to get off this train that seems to be going in the wrong direction? So many times, we find ourselves in a job, a relationship, a life that is not meant for us because it’s not aligned with our purpose and who we really are. Yet, we put up with it because it’s the safe thing to do and it’s what others expect of us, meaning we’re practically living somebody else’s dream not our own.

Let me explain what I mean.

I was on a call the other day with a woman who has a huge passion and desire burning inside of her.

She’s still working in a corporate job while building her dream business on the side.

As we were talking, she shared with me that she had been working in a very masculine field for over 30 years now and that her real passion had always been to help women look beautiful.

But her dad had told her a long time ago that this is never going to make her any money and to better get a real job.

So, she did.

She went out there got a degree in a field that was booming and would guarantee her a great income .

This woman works a full-time corporate job and then dedicates at least four more hours every day to her business.

A for effort!

This is how I did it. I know what it takes to come home from a full day of work, heating up a quick meal and drinking two cups of coffee so you can do what you really want to do until midnight. I did it for almost two years.

When I asked how her business was going, she told me that nobody was interested in PAYING for her services, that she didn’t think she was going to get any clients and that she didn’t believe she was any good at sales.

There it was, the reason WHY her prospects are not paying her.

If you keep telling yourself all day every day that nobody is going to pay for your services, that you’re not getting any clients, that you’re not good at sales, this is exactly what’s going to show up in your results.

Pair that with the story she’s heard since she was a little girl that her passion won’t make her any money, to get a real job instead this cements it into the ground. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I asked this woman what would happen if she dropped that story and focused on what she really wanted instead.

You see, you always get more of what you focus on and often it’s a story that you bought into a long time ago that is not serving you.

To overcome this, it takes a mindset shift so that you can look at what’s really going on here. A long time ago you bought into somebody else’s belief system, accepted it is as truth and went on living your life accordingly. And that was fine until the desire you’ve got burning inside of you started seeking expression.

Now, you’re confronted with 2 beliefs that are contradictory and what happens is confusion sets in which in essence keeps you stuck right where you are, spinning your wheels, digging yourself in deeper. To get out of this chaotic state you must drop the story that is not serving you and replace it with one that does.

This allows you see what’s really true and move forward in the direction of YOUR dream.

You’re meant to be living a life that fulfills you, that lights you up, that brings you joy and you’re not going to find it if you stay stuck living somebody else’s dream for you.

Success is a choice and it’s yours to make.

If you enjoyed this article and want to learn more I invite you to join my FREE private Create the Business You Love Facebook Community right here. Connect with like-minded women from all over the globe who are building a thriving life and business they love. This is a great and very supportive place to share your expertise, network or ask questions. In addition, every Friday I spotlight one of our members and their business in a live interview.

I’m excited to meet you!

Simona Ksoll is a marketing strategist and mentor for small business owners and people who want to bring their big inner vision to life.  Follow her on Facebook,  LinkedIn and join her private Facebook Community.


